Programme Estlarus Under Priority III: Promotion of people to people cooperation, Measure 3.2 Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and health.
PHOTOYOUTH is a course of Photography for children with Special Needs (PSN), and for whose don’t have the opportunity to approach to the world of Visual Art or Visual Education.

World photography doesn’t have borders, and there are groups or individuals with impaired sight or blind, deaf or discapacity, working in the media business.The project is more a opportunity to approach the photography to the educators and people with special needs (PSN). In this project are included a wide range of activities concerning with photography and visual media, even video and editing. With this course all participants (and depending the age) will get the enough experience to understand how it works in the real life and it will be a source of 100% of information to follow with high studies or just create a small business by groups or individuals.
Working for the integration of children in the society during the project. The preparation of the educators is the 50% of the success of the project. In this case the Educators will get the enough information and preparation to develop the course through seminars and workshops given by professional photographers and guest lecturers (external experts).

Overall objective:  to make create united society and facilitate cultural exchange in the region.Specific objective:  to help to include in the society and facilitate integration for the youth- people with special needs (PSN). Project helps to obtain new professional skills for the PSN.

Experience exchange with teachers and students. Organisation of joint summer camp for the children working in open air. Create project portal, where people with special needs also the ones who doesn’t participate in the project can exchange experience about taking photos, share photos, network, print a photobook. Project participation in fairs and exhibitions like Open Days in Brussels, etc. Project management.

Website with four blogs, Seminars, Photocamp, book, documentary movie and exhibition.

Grant contract for 259 015, 20 euro of the Programme co-financing countersigned by the JMA of the Programme and the Education, Culture and Sports Department of Riga City Council (Latvia)
The Education, Culture and Sports Department of Riga City Council together with 4 partners from Russian Federation  -  N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Art College of Pskov District, Centre of complex social services for citizens “Vyborg”, Regional non-governmental organization “Petersburg Parents”, Administration of the municipality “Vyborg region” of Leningrad district – will realize cross-border „people to people” project “Creating access to the art of photography for young people with disabilities” under the Priority 3 – “Promotion of people to people cooperation”, Measure 3.2.  – Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and health care. Total budget of the project is 293 028,00 euro.
The project aims to equalize opportunities for all inhabitants to get additional education thereby rising their competitiveness in labour market and to contribute to improving the living standards in the Programme area, and more specifically – promoting people to people cooperation towards social inclusion and against discrimination.

Start: January 2012. End: July 2013. Duration: 1,8 years.